Tuesday, January 24, 2012

One day at a time! 5 years and counting!

It has been a wonderful ride these last 5 years of sobriety. Not having to live in fear, or to have to chase the next high has been a tremendous and overwhelming feeling! My family and friends have put their trust in me again. The best part about being sober though is being a MOM!! Missing out on their lives for the 4 years I was high and selfish were the worst. I cannot change the past, I can only move forward and that is what I have done. I have a job I love, nice house, supportive boyfriend & family. Life is terrific! If I hadn't of changed my people, places and things who knows where I would be. Today I am determined, relentless and happy to be sober! If you are reading this and are in active addiction, please know that there is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel! I am proof of that. You have to want help though, nobody but you can make that decision. Life is all about choices! Here is an inspiring passage from a book I read called "A Woman's Spirit" by Karen Casey:

No one is without value in this life. Maybe we haven't discovered our unique purpose or special gifts, but we each have a place in the universe or we wouldn't be here. Each of us can offer friends a valuable gift every day- we can listen. Messages from our Higher Power often come through the words of others. we perform a wonderful service for our companions by listening and by sharing our own experiences and advice. Rapt attention-giving it and receiving it-is perhaps the most valuable contribution any of us can make. Let's never underestimate the sacredness of listening.
Today I will keep my own mind quiet if a friend wants to share her concerns today. That way, my heart may be able to offer her the wisdom she needs.

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