Sunday, April 1, 2012

Observations at Boy Scouts

Yesterday was my 10 year old sons Pinewood Derby for Boy Scouts. As we are waiting for the race to start I notice a little 4 year girl with dark purple eyeshadow on! This makes me think about Toddlers and Tiaras and why some moms can't just let their kids be kids. All these pageant girls with all the make up and fake eyelashes etc is wrong to me, these little girls are going to look old when they are still young. Let the girls be girls! As if that wasn't enough for me to see... a family comes to sit at our table and a little boy is drinking a Monster energy drink! My kids later inform me that he is 10 and he drinks Monsters and coffee. Maybe I am just an over protective mom to my kids, but when my boyfriend and I drink these we see the warning label that clearly states that energy drinks  are not intended fro kids 18 and under.
Anyway onto a happier note my son placed 3rd in the race and we had a wonderful time snacking on pretzels and nacho cheese!


  1. Crap! We are apparently SO old school, letting our children only drink oj and apple juice vs. coffee and Monsters...! ;)
