Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I wish Heaven had visiting hours

I say all the time how life is too short and we must live it to the fullest. Today was yet another reminder of that. One of my dear friends I went to school with had tradegy strike, his 8 month old son passed away today unexpectedly.
After hearing about this a flood of emotions hit me like a ton of bricks, it was like De Ja Vu. I fell to my knees and cried. It was as if I was re living the day my son passed away 12 years ago......Disbelief. Numb. Frozen in time. Blank stare. Unable to think. Moving in slow motion. Living in a fog. These are just a few of the ways we respond to initial knowledge of child loss. After the numbing phase, when the thawing out begins, the pain settles on our broken hearts and the raw fear of not having our child with us takes over and controls us for a long, long time. Parents should not out live their children it just isn't fair! My heart aches for my friend and I wish I could take away his pain. Some people say that bad things happen to good people, that is true and I also believe that the good die young.
My mom always says that my son was here on Earth to teach my family a few lessons and when he was finished he had to leave us. He was 3 years old and for some reason, I think maybe he was an old soul but he would never say tomorrow...I would say hey D-Man we are going to the park tomorrow and he would say to me "no we will go  when the sun comes back"
Most mornings when he woke up he would go outside and sit, look up at the sky and say "Thank you God for everything"
I wish Heaven had visiting hours, or maybe even a phone....
Rest in Paradise Angels, until we meet again!

Dancing in the sky.....

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